How Owning a Dog Can Cultivate Virtues

Dogs have been our loyal companions for thousands of years, but their value goes beyond mere companionship. For those seeking personal excellence, owning a dog can provide a wealth of benefits, from fitness and health to leadership skills and discipline. In this post, we'll explore the unique relationship between dogs and humans from a Stoic perspective and how owning a dog can help you cultivate the virtues of a winner.

A Stoic Perspective on Dogs- Stoic philosophy holds that one should live a virtuous life and focus on the things within their control. Dogs embody many of these virtues, particularly loyalty, courage, and selflessness. Take, for example, the story of Hachiko, the famous Akita Inu dog in Japan. Hachiko would accompany his owner, Professor Hidesaburo Ueno, to the train station every day. One day, Ueno died unexpectedly while at work, but Hachiko continued to return to the station every day for the next nine years, waiting for his owner to return. Hachiko's unwavering loyalty and selflessness are emblematic of the Stoic virtues and owning a dog can provide a daily reminder of these values.

The Fitness Benefits of Owning a Dog- In addition to providing emotional support and companionship, owning a dog can also improve physical health and fitness. According to the American Heart Association, dog owners are more likely to engage in regular physical activity, which can lead to lower blood pressure, reduced stress levels, and improved overall health. Moreover, dogs can provide motivation and accountability for sticking to a fitness routine. For example, if a dog owner commits to walking their dog for 30 minutes each day, they are more likely to follow through on that commitment than if they were exercising alone.

The Entrepreneurial Side of Dog Ownership- Owning a dog requires a great deal of responsibility, time management, and leadership skills – all of which are important qualities for entrepreneurs to cultivate. For example, owning a dog requires one to be disciplined with their time, ensuring that their pet's needs are met while also managing their own work and personal responsibilities. It also requires a level of leadership, as a dog owner must establish themselves as the alpha and provide clear guidance and boundaries for their pet. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs have cited their experiences owning pets as having a positive impact on their leadership skills and overall success.

In conclusion, if you’re on a quest for personal excellence in your life, owning a dog can be a valuable addition. From embodying the virtues of discipline to providing fitness benefits and cultivating leadership skills, dogs offer a unique perspective on the human experience. By owning a dog, you can cultivate these qualities within themselves and achieve greater success in both your personal and professional life. Or at the very least have someone who’s happy to see you when come home!