Tattoo Butter vs. Petroleum-Based Tattoo After Care Products- Why Natural Butters & Oils Are the Way to Go

Why Choose Natural Butters and Oils for Tattoo Aftercare Over Petroleum-Based Products

Tattoos are more than just ink on skin—they are a form of self-expression, art, and sometimes even a piece of our identity. With the rising popularity of tattoos, there's also been an increase in the variety of tattoo care products on the market. One key choice you'll face post-tattoo is whether to opt for a product made from natural butters and oils or a petroleum-based ointment. In this blog post, we'll delve into the benefits of choosing a natural option.

Natural Ingredients for Skin Health

Natural butters and oils, such as shea butter, cocoa seed butter, and coconut oil, are packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that not only moisturize the skin but also promote its overall health. These ingredients mimic the natural oils in our skin, allowing for better absorption and hydration. On the other hand, petroleum-based products tend to sit on the surface of the skin, creating a barrier rather than nourishing it.

Accelerated Healing

The vitamins and minerals found in natural ingredients can accelerate the skin's healing process. After getting a tattoo, your skin has essentially experienced a form of trauma. Ingredients like Vitamin E can support skin regeneration, helping your tattoo heal faster and more efficiently. Petroleum-based products, while effective in preventing infection, don't offer the same healing properties.

Less Risk of Irritation

Synthetic or petroleum-based aftercare products often contain chemical additives such as artificial fragrances and preservatives, which can be irritating for some skin types. Using a fragrance-free product made from natural butters and oils reduces the risk of experiencing allergic reactions or skin irritations. This is particularly important during the tattoo healing process, when your skin is already more sensitive than usual.

Better for Your Ink

Natural aftercare products are often better not just for your skin, but for the longevity and vibrancy of your tattoo as well. Natural oils and butters can help maintain the color and clarity of your tattoo by deeply nourishing the skin it's on. In contrast, petroleum-based products might contribute to ink fading because they aren't as effective at penetrating the skin to nourish the ink beneath. Damson Street’s Deathless Tattoo Butter can be used daily to help keep ink, new and old, stay vibrant.

Eco-Friendly Choice

Natural butters and oils are generally more eco-friendly than petroleum-based products. Petroleum is a non-renewable resource, and its extraction poses environmental risks, including habitat destruction and pollution. Natural ingredients, especially when sourced sustainably, are better for the Earth, and who doesn’t like that.

Deathless Tattoo Butter

While petroleum-based products have been the go-to for many in the past, the advantages of using a tattoo aftercare product made from natural butters and oils are increasingly evident. Not only do they offer superior skin nourishment and healing properties, but they are also less likely to cause irritation, better for your tattoo’s appearance, and more eco-friendly. Make an informed choice for your skin and your ink—opt for natural aftercare products like Damson Street’s Deathless Tattoo Butter and ensure your tattoo's timeless brilliance.


Natural Butters and Oils

Petroleum-Based Products

Skin Health

Skin Barrier

Packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. Better absorption and hydration.

Creates a barrier on the skin but doesn't nourish it.

Accelerated Healing

Basic Protection

Rich in vitamins and minerals that promote faster skin regeneration.

Effective in preventing infection but lacks healing properties.

Reduced Risk of Irritation

Potential for Irritation

Lower risk of allergic reactions or skin irritations due to natural ingredients.

May contain chemical additives like artificial fragrances and preservatives, posing a risk for skin irritation.

Better for Your Ink

Less Effective for Ink Preservation

Helps maintain color and clarity by deeply nourishing the skin.

May contribute to ink fading as it doesn't effectively penetrate the skin.


Environmental Concerns

Often more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Petroleum extraction poses risks like habitat destruction and pollution.